Amt. Spent $14.85 OOP
Amt. Saved $60.04
Amt. Spent of gift card (no oop) $10.02
Amt Saved $46.77
Total Amt. saved at Walgreens $106.81
Somethings that I purchased...
(4) 12 packs of Diet Pepsi products
Black & Color Ink Cartridge refills
(2) Listerine (big bottles)
(2) Dawn
(2) Coke Zero 20 oz.
(2) Reece's PB cups
(2) Reynolds wraps
(2) Glade Soy candles
(2) 4 packs of Scotts bath tissue
(3) bottles of shaving cream
(12) packages of Mentos gum
and Easter Candy!
For all this I paid less than it would've cost me for the ink refills alone at regular price! Also I still have $9 in RR to use next time and I will get back a $7.50 + 10% rebate for the ink refills.
Have I ever told you that I love Walgreens!
Spent: $7.76
Saved: $30.46
Though I still have $7.99 ECBs to roll next time. The OOP was kinda high this week, due to purchasing Easter candy!
Spent: $42.65
Saved: $28.86
Nothing exciting this week here. Just purchased some non- negotiate items such as milk, produce, meat, and items for my sons birthday party.
Spent: $14.14
Saved: $15.53
Free Toaster scrambles, snuggle, Tysons chicken, Pam spray, and more.
Grand Total Spent: $79.40
Grand Total Saved: $181.48

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