First off, I had all intentions of posting all of the deals for my favorite grocery stores, Meijer and Kroger! This morning I opened up the ads, and my Google document (for your printing convenience) and I started matching the sales w/the coupon match ups. For those of you that do coupon match-ups, you know that this is time consuming. I have been working on these since 10:30 am with periodic brakes to care for my kids. The kids finally were off to school, and I had all the deals typed up and I was almost finished. I was typing quickly trying to finish, and by accident I guess I pushed the wrong button. And then POOF, all of my work was GONE! I am one sad puppy:( I spent almost 30 minutes trying to figure out what I did with no luck. Now, my oldest son will be getting home from school soon and I have a lot to do (fold 2 loads of laundry, clean house, and soon it will be time for helping my son with homework, and making dinner- Just trying to keep it real here!) I unfortunately am not going to have the time to spend on retyping all of the deals. I have got to figure out a way, so that this doesn't happen again! I have lost posts before by using blogger first, and now the google document, if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
But here's the low down on the deals....Meijer is having a 10/$10, Get the 11th item Free sale this week. Here's what you'll be able to get
Free after coupon this week...
*Lance crackers, Dole salads, Betty crocker warm delight bowls, Ronzoni pasta, and Dannon yogurts. There are a lot of great deals this week!
Please go
Here to Cincinnati Cents to view all the deals.
You can find printable coupons for the sales at Meijer and Kroger
Here and
Here.You can find Meijer Mealbox coupons
Kroger is also having a 10/$10 sale this week too! Go
Here to view the sales/coupon match-ups this week!
I really hope that I'll be able to actually share the deals next week! Thank you for understanding!
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