:: Free Reusable Bags
*Get a Free tote bag from Kelloggs, with purchase of any 2 boxes of cereal and $1.75 S&H. Form and details are Here.
*Design a Reusable tote bag at Kroger HERE and get a Free tote bag coupon added to your Kroger Plus card (will automatically come off at checkout)
* Free tote bag at Babies R' Us with this coupon Here (valid 4/9 - 4/22) and you'll also get 25% off of any shoes or clothing that you can fit into the bag! (Thanks, Saving Bits & Pieces)
*Target is giving away 1.5 million reusable bags with purchase on April 18th! You can also send in 3 Target bags to get a Free reusable bag....
Send to: Terracycle
121 New York Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08638
*Free Red Gold Tote Bag Offer Here, valid for AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NE, OH, OK, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV, and WI ONLY.
To Receive a FREE Red Gold Tote Bag:
1. Register for the Red Gold online e-newsletter, Tomato Country.
2. Purchase at least one can of Red Gold Brand tomatoes.
3. After registering, enter the 12 digit UPC barcode on the back of the label and the 14 digit product code found on the top or bottom of your can.
OFFER EXPIRES May 7, 2010 or while supplies last
Limit 1 Tote Bag per Household Address
(Thanks, Frugal Fabulous Finds)
*Free tote bag from Earthbound Farms Here (this is a contest, look in the upper right hand corner for your next chance to win!)
*Remember your Reusable Bags cling Here. Apply this cling to remind you to bring your reusable bags with you!
:: Events
*April 18th - Free reusable bag from Target with any purchase!
*April 22nd - Bring in any any (6) recyclable soda cans or water bottles to your local Disney Store and get a Free baseball cap! Details Here (click on Upcoming events)
*April 22nd - Get ink refills (Black or Color) for only $1 at Walgreen's on Earth Day Only w/ in ad coupon in the 4/18 ad!!!
:: More Freebies/Other
* Free "Green" Crafts EBook Here.
*Free episode of Planet Earth's Pole to Pole from i-tunes Here. Just log into your account to get this free download. Thanks, Couponing to Disney.
*Deal on Brita Filter at Target Here.
*Don't Forget to sign up for my Free email newsletter or RSS feed, so that you never miss any tips! Thank You for reading & subscribing!

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