Here's How to Get Your FREE Photo Book:
If you'd like to help me out for referring you, then please email me, and I will email you a link to sign up and I will get a $20 referral credit. Then after you sign up, you can invite your friends/family so that you can get the credit too! Thanks!!!
1. GO HERE and click on Get Started Now! Enter your email address, and it will prompt you to install my publisher application to your computer. Follow the prompts. This application is FREE.
2. After everything is downloaded, upload your photos, add words, and make your mini photo book by following the prompts. It was fairly easy for me to make mine, and it really didn't take me too long to do it either.
3. Order your 20 page mini photo book and enter code: FREEMINI at checkout. You should also get FREE shipping, and on my confirmation page, it said that it would be shipped in 2-4 days!
For more details, instructions, and restrictions on this promo, please go Here!
(Thanks, Free Stuff Times)
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Thanks of the heads up I am tring to create a book right now :)