In a Galaxy Far, Far away... A boy of destiny was born. The Jedi council named him (child's name) and they knew that he was the chosen one. In the (Child's age) that has followed his birth, he has been learning the powers of the force. Recently though, the Jedi knights have called upon young Padawan (child's name) to seek out Future Jedi. Please come to (child's name) Birthday Party! Your presence is requested on (Date) The trials will begin promptly at (time) at (place) Please Advise the Jedi council asap at (phone number) as to whether you will be accepting the challenge of the trials. May The Force Be With you!

As each child arrived at the party, they were given a Jedi robe that I made. For the Birthday boy, I made an actual robe. For directions how to make these go here. The directions are for making an adult robe. I made it the same way except only needed 2 yards of fabric. I had him lay down on the material and then I traced it, just as the directions read. Then I added a hood. It was an easy sewing project. For the other kids I made a more simple robe. They were made more like a poncho, and we used cord ($.67 per yard at Walmart) to tie around their waists. I was planning on buying felt material, but when I was shopping at Walmart, I got very lucky to find brown fleece material on clearance for $1 per yard! This cost under $15 to make enough for 12 kids! For more Star Wars costume ideas go HERE.
Light Sabers:
Each child also received a light saber that we also made. We made these by cutting a "Pool Noodle" in half. Then we wrapped black duck tape around the bottom as a handle. This was also used for a game that the kids played! Pool noodles can be found at the dollar store, Walmart, or Meijer. They were around a dollar a piece, this cost me under $10 to make.

For the drinks, I bought 2 liters of soda. I removed the labels, and made the labels myself on the computer. Some of the names included:
*Yoda Soda - Sprite, *Jabba juice-Mt. Dew, *Star Wars Galactic punch-Hawaiian Punch, *Vader Juice-Coke, * Emperor Palpatine Pop-Pepsi, *Anakin Skywalker Soda- Root Beer, and *Count Dooku Drink-Diet Coke.
For Food we had Chewbacca cheese and crackers, R2D2 & C3PO veggies, Darth Vader Doritos, Chewbacca Chicken Fettuccine, Clone Trooper rolls, and Luke Sky walker salad. Whichever foods you decide to eat, just give them a Star Wars name!
The children were advised that they had to complete 3 Trials, and then they would be a real Jedi!
Trial 1: Light Saber Training
They had to hit balloons with their light saber and try to keep the balloon from hitting the ground. This took place in the backyard. Everyone had a blast, even though balloons flew over the fence, and some popped!
Trial 2: Restore The Galaxy!
This was a game my MIL purchased at Party City for $5. The kids were blindfolded and then had to stick a sticker (that looked like a blast) onto the ship. Everyone received a package of chewing gum for a prize. (Gum free after coupon at Walgreens last week!)
Trial 3: Destroy The Death Star!
I made this pinata to look like a Death Star! My son even made a Crater for it! It was the first time that I've made anything like this. It was easy & fun to make. Just a little messy!LOL!
I used a punch ball, or you could use a very large balloon. I made a paper mache mixture using flour & water, and strips of newspaper. (Go here for the paper mache recipe!) Then I spray painted it grey. This only cost me $2 to make, plus a few dollars for the candy filler, compared to the high cost of a purchased pinata! The kids took turns using one of Ethan's real light sabers to break it open. The kids loved it!

We also played Star Wars Bingo! We played several times, until each child won. I printed this off of the web, so it was Free! Go HERE to print yours! Each child won a glow in the dark bracelet, bought at Walmart, (6 pack around $2.)

I made this light saber cake! The kids really got a kick out of it. I thought it would be hard to make, but it actually wasn't. I just baked a 10X13 cake. Cut it into 3 strips length wise. Then I covered a piece of cardboard with aluminum foil, and placed the strips together, so that it was really long. Then I used Wilton's concentrated frosting colors (found at Walmart for $1.75 ea.) I used black for the handle, and red for the light saber. Then I used white icing to make the details on the handle & I wrote his name. We used the long sparkler candles, that keep relighting! As you can see I'm not very good at the "cake making" but Ethan loved it, and that's all that mattered!
All and All, the kids and adults both had a great time! Each child left with a Jedi robe, a light saber, a goody bag filled with a pack of gum, a glow bracelet, and candy/toys from the pinata. This party was not expensive and my younger son is now saying that he wants a "Star Wars party" on his next birthday!
Other Great Star Wars Party Idea sites:
Amazing Moms
Birthday Party Ideas
Hopefully some of these ideas will help you in planning for your next Star Wars party, or please share your party ideas by leaving a comment!
**Don't miss any more deals or tips! Please subscribe free to my email newsletter Here or RSS Feed! Thank you for reading!
Sounds like your son had a fabulous Star Wars party! I love your ideas and that cake looks great! If interested, you can read our Star Wars Party Guide for other ideas here: Party Guide here: http://www.birthdayinabox.com/party-ideas/guides.asp-bgs-95-lk-14095-id-2354
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on pulling off a really cool Star Wars themed party. I'm sure everyone had a fun and memorable time. Loved your saber cake! Really cool!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you but found your blog googling. I loved your ideas and used a lot of them for my son's party this last weekend. Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning my son's Star Wars party for his 8th birthday. Great ideas I plan to use for his. Thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteI just googled 'star wars bday party' and found all your wonderful tips - thank you for sharing! Your ideas are going to make a soon to be 6 year old very happy!
ReplyDeleteyou have the best ideas on a simple/inexpensive star wars birthday party that I've found so far! THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteWhen my twin boys turned four, a Star Wars party was perfect.
ReplyDeleteI made the invitations using the original Star Wars Episode IV poster graphic and added the words "May the Fours Be With You".I made a Death Star pinata out of a punch ball balloon (since it was a large sphere) and paper mache. I painted an old broom handle bright green and added a foam/duct tape handle to make a light saber pinata stick.I printed thank you notes on small printable cardstock with a picture of Yoda and the words "Very generous you are." on the front. It was a great party.
A birthday party is so cool if it is held outdoors. Like my sister's birthday...
ReplyDeleteStar Wars Party Supplies
Thank you for sharing these cool ideas! I am using them all for my son's 7th b-day party and having so much fun creating it. Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI found you by googling "Star Wars Birthday Party Games" and thank you so much for the wonderful ideas! My son's party is this Sunday...and I promised the invitees some fun Star Wars activities without really knowing what I was going to do! Yikes! I am so glad I found your post here! I'll be back to visit your blog again!
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes and Blessings,
HI! Could you explain how you made the cheaper "poncho" like robes for the kids? I have a Star Wars party in a few weeks and I'd like to do the same thing... I'm just not a seamstress by any means! haha! Thanks
ReplyDeletehi I found your blog googling, thanks for the ideas
ReplyDeleteHi, Thank you so much for these great bday ideas! Just had my son''s 6th bday and your tips were a life saver (and really neat!)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting these ideas and "how-tos". My son is turning 6 in a few months and wants a Star Wars themed party. I'm was drawing a blank on what to do that wouldn't be too expensive. This is great!
ReplyDeleteI loved your web! Here are some more ideas at https://sites.google.com/site/lotrawesomeness12/lord-of-the-rings/awesomenerdyparties
ReplyDeleteI loved it! Here are some more ideas at:
That's funny- I'm doing a Star Wars birthday party for my 5-year-old Friday, and I've made a Death Star pinata and am making pool noodle light sabers with duct tape handles! We're playing a game of "defend your balloon" with the light sabers (younger crowd). Each child will pick a balloon out of a bag. The color of their balloon defines their character (black= Darth Vader, red=Darth Mull, white=generic storm trooper, purple=Princess Leia, yellow=Luke Skywalker, blue=Obi Wan Kanobi, gold=C3PO, silver=R2D2), and they all are trying to steal the other balloons. We figure with such young kids popping may lead to more tears than just "kidnapping".
ReplyDeleteThanks for these great ideas! I just Googled Star Wars birthday party and found your blog. I'm going to use all of your ideas for my son's 7th birthday party. Thanks again for sharing and I'm impressed you pulled off such a great party with so many different aged kids =)
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your Star Wars party ideas! My son Caleb would like to have a Star Wars themed birthday party too, so I'm on the hunt for great (and inexpensive) ideas from other creative moms like you. Thanks!
ReplyDeletewow i realy like all the ideas im actully doing my sons 9th birthday party in aug and im so excited about it, thanks for all the tips.
ReplyDeletei love your ideas, and that you posted them online!! very creative!
ReplyDeleteAwesome site. I'm so glad that I got to see your post. Very creative.
ReplyDeleteStar war birthday party theme is my favorite because of its fun opportunities. Excellent post indeed.