Just a reminder that today is Mega Swagbucks Day, so start Swaggin! That means that instead of winning 10 -100 Swagbucks, you can possibly win 1,000 - 2,000 Swagbucks! And remember that it is just for doing your normal Internet searches!
You can also earn Swagbucks automatically just for downloading and using the Swagbucks toolbar & it makes it easier to remember to do your searches through Swagbucks! Another great way to earn more Swagbucks daily is to go to the "special offers" section on the Swagbucks Homepage. Click on "Ways to Earn" on the top left, and then click on the "No Obligation Offers" blue box on the right. Once you get to this page, it will state, "Welcome to Swag Bucks special Offers." Sign up for all of the special offers that you like and feel free to click skip on the rest, and find a special swag code at the end. Skip all the offers by clicking the skip button or the see the next offer button below each advertisement. After about 4-7 pages you will be rewarded with 2 or more Swagbucks!
*If you are wondering, What is Swagbucks? Basically you are rewarded "Swag Bucks" just for doing your Internet searches! Then you can turn in your swagbucks to get cool free stuff. I have been able to get Free Amazon.com e-gift cards (only 450 swagbucks gets you a $5 amazon card) and I have been able to get Free Starbucks gift cards! There are a lot of different rewards to pick from, but the e-gift cards & gift cards are my favorite!
In order to remind me to use Swagbucks, I downloaded the toolbar. Instead of using Google, I just do all of my Internet searches through Swagbucks! I Love it that I am earning Free stuff for doing something that I already do anyway (searching the web).
If you are not a member yet, I highly recommend signing up for Swagbucks Here! It's Free to sign up & you'll earn Free stuff. When you sign up, you will automatically get 30 Free Swagbucks! I normally win Swagbucks in the morning, and again in the evening! And, If you refer other's you can also get up to 1,000 Swagbucks whenever they earn a Swagbuck. So please sign up through my link Here!
Also, it's Friday so that means it's Payday at YouData! If you are not a member yet, go Here to read more about YouData and to sign up. If you are already are a member, use this as a reminder to quickly check for available ad's if you haven't this week yet, so that you'll get paid next week. If you did earn money this week then you'll get paid today! I just got paid, check it out!

*Don't Forget to sign up for my Free email newsletter or RSS feed, so that you never miss any tips! Thank You for reading & subscribing!

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