Are you a stressed out Mom? Look up the word "Mom" in a dictionary and you will find the word "Stressed". Look up the word "Stressed" and you will find "Mom". In my dreams, I would be able to go to a "Spa" on a regular basis to unwind, relax, and get pampered.....
But, let's face it - The word "Spa" conjures up images of extreme pampering and indulgence, as well as BIG BUCKS - Crazy Expensive!!!
As an average Mom, I do not have the money or the time to go to a Spa regularly!
So, besides hunting down deals, coupons, and blogging - another one of my passions is having a "Pampered Mom Spa Experience" at Home! So, I figured for the next week or so, I want to share with you some tips and recipes to help you to relax, unwind, and pamper yourself. Skip the guilt when it comes to taking care of yourself, to pampering and treating yourself well.
In this "mini-series" you will find easy, delightful spa-like, frugal treatments and recipes that you can do yourself at home, that will only cost a fraction of the cost of buying expensive beauty products or going to a salon.
A family budget can easily get stretched to tightly, so I always keep that mind when I am having a "Pampered Mom Spa Experience" at home. You will find that a lot of the recipes that I will be sharing with you will actually involve things or ingredients that you already have around the house! You will soon learn that some of the best ways to feel pampered are actually FREE or very Inexpensive!
You will not find "spa treatments" you must try at your local salon, and you won't find time-consuming or complicated treatments here at Tips From A Mom of 3.
So, Are you ready to relax? Are you ready to pamper yourself in ways big and small?
Make sure to bookmark this page, or pin it! I will use this page as a sort of hub and you will be able to find all of the posts labeled "Frugal Beauty Tips" on Here.
Frugal Beauty: Homemade Hair Treatments {Naturally Beautiful Hair}
Frugal Beauty: DIY Face Mask Recipes
Frugal Beauty: Thrifty Foot Soak & Scrub Recipes
Frugal Beauty: Homemade Face Scrub Recipes

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I'm very excited to see what you have come up with in this mini-series! :) I am a mom of 2 boys, so I'm always looking for more (cheap) ways to feel girly and pampered! :)